- Loss of interest or pleasure in life -- too busy to think about this
- Loss of appetite -- well, I eat like a horse
- Less energy and motivation to do things -- true, sometimes I need to drag myself out of bed...
- A hard time falling asleep or staying asleep -- not a bit, I fall asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow
- Sleeping more than usual -- I'd love to ...
- Increased crying or tearfulness -- hmm... this is close
- Feeling worthless, hopeless or overly guilty -- haven't gone this far
- Feeling restless, irritable or anxious -- all the time... now, can we do this faster?
- Unexplained weight loss or gain -- how I wish I can lose weight faster...
- Feeling like life isn't worth living -- this is serious... I'm glad that I'm still alive
- Having thoughts about hurting yourself -- my threshold for pain tolerance is way too low to do this ...
- Worrying about hurting your baby -- can't possibly think of this one
- difficulty concentrating and remembering
- difficulty making decisions
- difficulty completing simple tasks such as doing the dishes or the laundry
- insomnia
- exhaustion
- loss of appetite
- may have suicidal thoughts
- Anxiety/Panic Attacks
A panic attack is, a discreet episode of intense fear reaching its peak intensity within 10 minutes from onset. Often associated with or accompanied by feelings of impending doom.
- shortness of breath
- choking or smothering sensation
- palpitations or accelerated heart rate
- chest pain or discomfort
- sweating
- faintness
- dizziness, lightheadedness or unsteady feelings
- nausea or abdominal distress
- depersonalization (feeling disoriented or that the world has become unreal)
- tingling sensation (parasthesia)
- hot flashes or chills
- trembling or shaking
- fear of dying
- fear of going crazy or doing something uncontrolled