I used my old t-shirt and jeans, as well as a pair of new socks that I don't think I will ever wear. As for the filling, I used the old polyfill from a cushion. It's good practice to use recycled materials and reduce waste. :D
Since it was my first sewing project, my work didn't turn out quite perfect. But again, that's the beauty of handcrafted stuffs, right? They're supposed to be one-of-a-kind, aren't they? Hahaha... Anyway, I'm so happy to see something from paper turning into a real toy. I couldn't wait until Christmas to give the toy to baby... and have been very show-off with it. ...hehehe...
I get sort of hooked on to the sewing and so I made a pair of bootleg jeans for the lil doggie. So proud of myself now, wahahaha!
By the way, her name is Snow Pea. :)